An ode to those that are absent.
David Gilmour: When it sounds like it's coming out of a radio, it was done
by equalization. We just made a copy of the mix, knocking out all the bass
and most of the high top so that it sounds radio-like. The interference
was recorded on my car radio and we put that track on top of the original.
It's all meant to sound like the first track getting sucked into the radio
with one person sitting in the room playing guitar along with the radio.
Comment: A three-month correspondence in Classic CD magazine eventually
identified the introductory orchestral snippet as an extract from Tchaikovsky's
Fourth Symphony. Comment:
The orchestral snippet at the end of this song was performed by a French
violinist Stephane Grappelli who died in 1997. The piece he played is -
Overture 1866 The Bartered Bride. He was paid 300 pounds sterling to do
so. Comment:
Background dialog: (between Have A Cigar and Wish You Were Here) "and you
Derek, this star nonsense, what do you think of it?".
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